Emerge Austin Gathering Harvest

On this page we will over the next few weeks be posting videos from the event.

In preparation for the gathering

On Monday June 6th at 8pm Central Time, Daniel Schmachtenberger
shared his higher order frame of the nature of the meta-crises and how to make it through. This framing is an important underpinning for the Emerge Gathering and project.
Video recording:


Videos from the gathering


Digital harvesting videos

Three digital harvesting meetings of 90 min each has been held:

Monday 11th of July at 11 am Central Time
How do we hold this space?

Video recording:

Wednesday 13th of July at 11 am Central Time
What brings us together? Field creation, vision and theory of change.

Video recording:

Friday 15th of July at 11 am Central Time
What's next? Projects and ideas.

Video recording:


Optional online pre-meetings before the gathering

We are planning a number of optional digital conversations leading up to the gathering. The aim of these conversations is both to start to get to know the other participants and to start the dialogues and explorations laying the foundation necessary to get the most out of our two precious days in Austin. We hope that most participants will find the time and opportunity to take part in one or two of these conversations.

First out are three different tracks covering philosophy, praxis and projects:

  • Theory of field creation. Jonathan Rowson will kick of this short series of conversations around philosophical and strategic reflections on Emerge to contextualise the gathering in Austin. Jonathan will take his starting point in this newly written article about field creation: Now that you’ve found the others what are you going to do? This is the first article in a series of seven that Jonathan will publish leading up to the gathering. The articles and the conversations are for all of us who need a cognitive frame to understand at least part of what we are trying to do together in Austin and should not be considered required reading for everyone.

This first conversation happened on Monday 23rd and a video has been posted  on Emerge Network

On Monday June 6th at 8pm Central Time, Daniel Schmachtenberger followed up by sharing his higher order frame of the nature of the meta-crises and how to make it through. This framing is an important underpinning for the Emerge Gathering and project. Here is a link to the recorded conversation.

  • Praxis of meetings. Pamela von Sabljar and David Fuller will dive into the praxis of holding space for coherence and emergence. This is for us who want a taste of the embodied aspects of our gathering. Time: 12 noon CT on Mon May 30.

Use this link to access this zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meetin...

  • Projects and resources. Gary Sheng and Turquoise Sound will begin forming a group of field members who are interested in making sense of what projects and resources that are relevant to the goals of the field. The first conversation in this series took place on Saturday 21st and a summary video has be published on Emerge Network.

Next meetings of this track will be:
Four Workstreams essential to the Success of the Emerge Field
Hosts: Gary Sheng and Turquoise Sound
Thursday 2nd at 11.30 am to 1 pm CT: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/8728...

Projects and resources: How We Can Make The Most Out of Austin
Hosts: Gary Sheng and Turquoise Sound
Thursday 16th at 1 pm CT: https://zoom.us/j/8398911217?p...


A number of independent “ad hoc” digital meetings are also planned for the weeks leading up to the gathering. The following has already been decided on a few more are in the works:

Facilitating Large Scale Cultural Change
Hosts: Jeff Genung & Gary Sheng; Facilitator: Jamaica Stevens
Monday 30th at 3pm CT

New Economic Thinking
Hosts: Mariana Bozesan & Tomas Björkman
Thursday 2nd at 11 am CT

Organizational Development

Hosts: Hilary Bradbury & Tomas Björkman
Monday 6th at 11 am CT

Financing the Emergence
Hosts: Indy Johar & Alistair Langer; Facilitators: Sofia Sunaga & David Chang
Thursday 9th at 11 am CT
Video recording has been posted on the Emerge Network.

Why Indigenous Wisdom matters
Host: Simon Knoop; Facilitator: Jordan Hall
Thursday 9th at 2 pm CT
Video recording has been posted on the Emerge Network.

Debunking Web 3.0 & the Crypto Boom
Host: Jordan Hall; Facilitator: Ferananda Ibarra
Video recording has been posted on the Emerge Network.

New Economic Thinking
Hosts: Denise Hearn & Benett Zelner
Tuesday 14th at 11:00 am CT

Media & Communications

This is an initial call for the media & communications track for the Emerge gathering. This is aimed at all those attendees who are already hosting public facing media such as podcasts or writing, or those who are interested in the topic. This will cover areas like messaging, strategy, the state of the cultural conversation, and more. Hosts: David Fuller, founder of Rebel Wisdom, Julia Pope of the Consilience Project, Stephanie Lepp of the Centre for Humane Technology and Gary Shang of Civics Unplugged.
Wednesday 15th at 1 pm CT
Video recording has been posted on the Emerge Network.

Developmental Spaces & Communities. Host: Cassandra Montaudon; Facilitator: Jamaica Stevens
Wednesday 15th at 10am CT

Projects and resources: How We Can Make The Most Out of Austin
Hosts: Gary Sheng and Turquoise Sound
Thursday 16th at 1pm CT

Ecological Civilization: Rewriting the Global Operating System
The underlying idea behind an Ecological Civilization is the realization that superficial fixes aren’t enough. We must change our civilization’s operating system from one based on extraction and exploitation to one that is life-affirming: creating the conditions for all humans to flourish as part of a thriving living Earth. In this hourlong session, Jeremy Lent will introduce its principles, a glimpse of what it might look in practice—and how this vision can play a key role in redirecting our current trajectory.
Friday 17th at 11am CT
A recording of the talk has been published on Emerge Network.

Web3 is the answer... but what was the question again?
Web3 is surrounded by hype and promises, concepts like "the people's money" and "the ownership economy". The ideas sound great, but has it produced anything more than speculation over meaningless financial instruments and a new form of centralization of money and power? We explore two frameworks for understanding Web3 projects: financialization (Game A) and commons (Game B). Under those categories we see different applications of tokens, infrastructure, NFT and DAO’s. If you're trying to figure out how some of these mechanisms work, this session will help you orient yourself.
Hosts: Grace Rachmany (DAO Leadership) and Ivo Mensch (Perspectiva)
Saturday 18th at 11 am CT: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8748...

Geopolitics and Big History
Reality knocks on the door! “Get real” What are the great shifts we are experiencing? What will be the geopolitical implications of the war in Ukraine? Are we in a big historical geopolitical shift, again? Or the level of ending of the cold war? A meet and greet session on this for anyone interested in and the war in Ukraine and its wider implications.
Hosted by Anka Husakova, Alesia Bolot and Taras Nazarov, who are from Ukraine.
Monday 20th at 11am CT: https://www.google.com/url?q=h...

Spirituality and Practice
Join this pre-Emerge gathering to help us tap into our collective intelligence about an essential question: What is the relationship between spirituality and the Emerge movement?
Hosted by Michael Stern and Alistair Langer
Monday 20th at 3pm CT: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8612...

Designing ecologies of practice for the Metacrisis
When envisioning new ecologies of practice, what are the questions we need to ask ourselves? We can’t just focus on the individual and leave out context like community, culture, paradigm or the epoch of the meta-crisis. Navigating this skein of nebulous and entangled causal relationships requires deeper sensitivity, receptivity and careful choice of design principles and the ontologies and models we use. Join Steve March and Ivo Mensch to kick off this collective inquiry into the questions we need. We’ll continue working with this on the in-person Friday afternoon session in Austin
Tuesday 21st, at 10 am CT: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8287..

Two kinds of Spiritual Bypassing and how to overcome them
A chance to chat with Jonathan Rowson about his recent series of posts on Emerge, particularly the final post: Entelechy - The Future Within Us, that explores spiritual features of 'a third attractor'.
Wednesday 22nd at 11 am CT: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/8454...

Biophysical roadmap for transition
In working towards a 'third attractor' for society, it's helpful to have a biophysical roadmap of how the current dynamic between: money, energy, technology, growth and Earth's ecology fit together. A systems view both constrains which paths are possible during the Triage, Transition and Long Term time horizons, but also informs how humans can best leverage our efforts towards futures better than the default.
Nate Hagens
will provide his frame of the nature of the meta-crises and how to make it through. See also this interesting video: The Great Simplification.
Wednesday 22nd at 4pm CT
A link to the recording.



Smaller in-person events in Austin during the days before and after the gathering

Friday 24th 10am to 12.30pm
Leadership and Emergence: What competencies support us in navigating the meta-crisis as an opportunity for transformation?  Co-hosted by Chelsea Simpson & Michael Stern of Emerging Leaders Project and Abigail Lynam & Geoff Fitch of Pacific Integral. The nature of leadership is changing, and aligning our efforts with the deeper creative intelligence of Life is essential for our success. But how do we do that? And how do we get better at it? We invite you to join us for a collective inquiry into the spirit and potential of the Emerge movement. You can expect a participatory experience intended to surface our collective wisdom. Register Here.

Friday 24th 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm
Practices for the Metacrisis. With the foregrounding of the Metacrisis we’re in a vastly different context and in need of different sensibilities and practices that engage a different source of change and transformation. In this session, Steve March and Ivo Mensch explore meta-practices to develop meta-competencies, fit for navigating the Metacrisis and a time between worlds. Link to venue.
Free registration: https://www.tickettailor.com/e...

Monday 27th 10 am – 3 pm
Inner Development Goals  US Action Day. By Inner Development Goals. 
You are invited to the Inner Development Goals (IDG) Action Day in Austin! Learn how we collectively can release the brakes on human progress by bringing the power of human development to all global challenges. Meet some of the initiators, learn about the IDG framework and get input from world leading scientists and thought leaders. This is the journey. Now is the time. Join us either physically or digitally and learn about the skills and qualities in the five dimensions of the Inner Development Goals: Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating, and Acting.
Draft program and registration (free for all Emerge participants with promo code "Emerge") here: IDG US Action Day

Monday 27th at 4 pm
Actually Solving the Meaning Crisis

Want more than dialogos? Feeling like sense-making has had its run? If you’re curious about a real practical approach to “new economic thinking” and “solving the meaning crisis”, join Joe Edelman and Ellie Hain at the unveiling of a radical upgrade to capitalism and the social movement that can make it happen.In this event, Joe will present “An Economy of Human Flourishing: Practical Techniques to Align Markets with Togetherness and Meaning”, which sketches a Game B economic approach that is ready for immediate launch. Next, Ellie will build up on that vision to present “Exit the Void”, her vision for a meaning-driven, life affirming social movement designed to bring that order into power, and that rejects all forms of bland utilitarianism, toxic neuroticism and death cults.
The venue is Casa de Luz, Austin, Alma Workshop Room, 800m from Central Library.
Registration link: https://forms.gle/UZ7kpEX4bcmR...

Monday 27th at 7 pm
Rebel Wisdom Party. By Rebel Wisdom.
"Rebel Wisdom Meetup & Conference After-Party. Highbrow, Austin, 27th June @ 7pm. We have taken over the beautiful Highbrow venue for the evening of 27th June. This comes the day after the Emerge Gathering which will bring together many of the brilliant interviewees and facilitators we've hosted on Rebel Wisdom over the last four years.It will also be our very last American event, as Rebel Wisdom is entering its closing chapter, and the project will end in November. For this event we anticipate a small number of short optional talks, and an opportunity to meet other fans of Rebel Wisdom's content.

The party is open to all attendees of the Emerge Gathering, and also any other Rebel Wisdom fans in the Austin area, and is co-hosted with the wonderful folks of 'Based in Austin', who describe themselves as: "A big tent movement for people who value sanity, institutions that work, who know that technology can help get us there but that meaning is cashed out in human relationships, healthy families, and thriving communities. And they know a good time when they see it."This is a BYOB venue, we will provide some drinks and cocktails ourselves, and some snacks and other nibbles, please do bring anything that you particularly want to drink or eat. We have booked the venue from 7pm to midnight. "

Information and free registration with prom code "EMERGE_PARTY": https://app.tickettailor.com/e...